Header, logo and visibility
Configuration -> Basic settings -> Configuration -> General settings
Last updated
Configuration -> Basic settings -> Configuration -> General settings
Last updated
In the general settings, individual graphics can be stored for header and logo and visibility settings can be set.
The recommended dimensions for header graphics refer to the standard Converia template in full-width layout. With this layout, the header graphic is not displayed across the entire browser width on standard widescreen monitors. However, if a full-span layout is used (optional and available on request), the requirements for the header graphic change.
A common width for full-span header graphics is 1920px, as this corresponds to the typical screen width of most desktop monitors. There is no fixed specification for the height; it varies depending on the design. It is usually between 400 and 800px for a width of 1920px.
The header graphic for the Converia website can be stored under Image for header area. The recommended minimum size for the header graphic is 1090x200px.
The desired graphic can be uploaded from the computer to the media browser using the blue symbol to the right of the selection field (Fig. 1).
Select the file to upload and insert it by clicking the Apply button (Fig. 2)
Save the file
Under Alternative image for header area, a graphic can be added exclusively for the registration. The recommended minimum size of 1090x200px also applies here.
For multilingual conferences with different subportals, headers in different languages can also be added in these places.
If only one header graphic is to be used, this can be added to the first language tab, i.e. the primary language. The graphic is then automatically adopted for all other languages.
Under Logo for conference overview a logo can be uploaded for the tile of this event in the conference overview. The recommended minimum size is 300x200px.
The login box and action buttons on the start page can be made visible or invisible as required, see Fig. 5 (1).
In the Visibility area, the conference can be set to active or inactive and the visibility in the conference overview can be controlled, see Fig. 5 (2).