Create subsequent subportal (language)
Administration -> Configuration CMS -> Subportals
Last updated
Administration -> Configuration CMS -> Subportals
Last updated
This article describes how Subportals can be created retrospectively and how they can be activated and linked at all relevant points. This is necessary, for example, if an additional language is to be activated in the event at a later date.
This article can also be used as an aid if an event has not been created correctly (e.g. because a required language was not available in the template) and a subportal needs to be “repaired”.
Go to the desired VA and select Current frame: The existing subportal(s) of the event will be displayed. If this is invisible, deselect the corresponding checkbox Visible.
Copy name if necessary
Create new subportal
The name of the new subportal is made up of the copied name + new language
Select the desired language
When copying content, select the Copy tree structure checkbox and the desired subportal to be copied and create the new subportal (visible)
Always copy the tree structure of the event to which the new subportal is to be attached. Otherwise, serious problems may occur when editing linked articles in the page structure (unintentional editing of articles in other events).
All CMS page templates that are used in the template must also be linked to the new subportal under:
Damit das Subportal auch unter der Veranstaltungsdomain, z.B. abrufbar ist, muss es dort noch verknüpft werden.
Domain der Veranstaltung suchen und bearbeiten ODER wenn es keine separate Veranstaltungsdomain gibt, dann muss die Domain der Installation (z.B. zum Bearbeiten geöffnet werden
Tab Subportale und Eintrag hinzufügen wählen
neu angelegtes Subportal anklicken (i.d.R. ganz unten in Liste) und Auswahl übernehmen
wenn es eine separate Veranstaltungsdomain gibt und zugleich die Primärsprache der Veranstaltung geändert werden soll (auf das neu angelegte Subportal), dann muss ggf. noch das Einstiegssubportal angepasst werden. Das Einstiegssubportal ist die Sprache, die zuerst erscheint, wenn die Domain aufgerufen wird (= Primärsprache der Veranstaltung). Es kann nur ein Einstiegssubportal pro Domain geben.
To ensure that the subportal can also be accessed under the event domain, e.g., it still needs to be linked there.
Search for and edit the domain of the event OR if there is no separate event domain, then the domain of the installation (e.g. must be opened for editing
Select the Subportals tab and Add entry
Click on the newly created subportal (usually at the bottom of the list) and accept the selection
If there is a separate event domain and the primary language of the event is to be changed at the same time (to the newly created subportal), then the Entry subportal may need to be adjusted. The Entry subportal is the language that appears first when the domain is called up (= primary language of the event). There can only be one entry subportal per domain.
The newly created subportal must now be linked to the event itself. To do this, call up the Subportals tab in the basic settings and add the corresponding entry.