Extended statistics
Management -> Attendee Registration -> Extended statistics
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Management -> Attendee Registration -> Extended statistics
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(A) In the table Booking overview, the extended statistics show the detailed registration figures (rows: offer packages, columns: price groups) in relation to all valid bookings.
The table can contain: Gross amounts, net amounts, tax amounts, number of bookings, number of participants can be displayed (1).
The table can be filtered by booking period, individual offer packages and individual price groups and sub-packages can be excluded (2).
The booking figures can be exported as Excel tables and in a Word report (3).
(B) The extended statistics show booked & canceled amounts, ancillary payment costs, invoice amounts and payments received in a payment overview - each broken down into open, paid and overpaid invoices.
(C) The extended statistics show the number and invoice amount of all reversals.
(D) In the On-site figures section, the extended statistics show all check-in lists and the number of participants checked in according to lists as well as the number of printed name badges.
(E) The extended statistics show the number of participants by country of origin.