Extended configuration options for offers
Configuration -> Attendee Registration -> Offer Wizard -> Extended configuration
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Configuration -> Attendee Registration -> Offer Wizard -> Extended configuration
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The extended package configuration is used to revise existing settings for the offer packages and to make additional adjustments that are not available in the offer wizard for the sake of clarity.
To view the offers, click on the name of the category that contains the corresponding offers.
There are two processing areas:
You can edit the offer properties (description, service type, prices, etc.) via the blue pencil icon (Fig. 1, point 1).
Questions, answers, associated sub-packages and the configuration of period-dependent bookings linked in the offer can be accessed via the blue package icon (Fig. 1, point 2).
You can also create offers in the extended package configuration (Fig. 1, point 3), but in this case no response is created, as happens automatically in the offer wizard.
You can perform many actions in this overview. The overview of all price groups and their prices is important for the configuration of sub-packages, for example, and you can also store names and descriptions for different languages here. The internal name at the top serves as a fallback if there is no entry for an active language.
Explanations of the points in Fig. 2:
Switch to the 2nd editing view, in which links to questions & answers and sub-packages can be edited (more on this below under 2. Editing links and sub-packages).
Switch to the pre-filtered booking overview. All bookings containing this offer package are displayed.
Creates a clear Excel export with all persons who have booked this package. More detailed exports can be downloaded in the booking overview.
Optional documents that are sent as an attachment to the booking confirmation email if the booking contains this offer. Make sure that the document has a file size that can still be sent by email.
Move offer packages to another category.
Storenotes that are included in the booking confirmation email when booking this offer package.
Prerequisite: The booking confirmation email template must also contain the offer package replacer (#:booking.packages:#) from the Booking folder. The text stored here is inserted into the email via this replacer.
Set the tax rate for the package.
Specify how often this package can be booked per person (also applies to subsequent bookings). By default, each package can only be booked once per person.
The explicit number selection canonly be activated in the frontendif a number >1 is entered in the field above. A field is then displayed next to the price in the offer in which you can select how often the offer should be added to the shopping cart (see Fig. 3).
Specify whether this offer is to be sold on account of third parties (e.g. hotel rooms). Such items are listed in the participant registration and the invoice, but the price is not included in the invoice total.
Hide the offer completely in the frontend. It is also no longer displayed for price groups for which this offer would be visible, as a price is stored. This function is useful for packages that are no longer/not yet allowed to be booked in the frontend but should still be available in the backend.
Deactivate the package in the frontend and backend. This means that the package is no longer available in booking processing and in the offer overview in the frontend. This variant is preferable to deletion if the offer package is already included in bookings.
This area of the extended package configuration contains important links and elements that can be used to control quotas, additional booking options or the configuration of different tax rates within an offer. If activated, information on period-dependent bookings (e.g. hotel room quotas) can also be stored here.
The Questions tab contains all additional queries that are linked in the offer and visible in the frontend. Answers are indirectly linked to the offer package via these questions. The blue pencil icon can be used to edit the questions and remove or add underlying answers. The red X can only be used to remove links between offer package & question or question & answer.
Shows all responses directly linked to the offer package without a question in between. These answers are created automatically as soon as an offer package is created in the wizard. Directly linked responses are not visible in the frontend. They are used to count and control quotas. Existing responses can be linked as counters via Add response; the link is removed via the red X.
Questions and answers are not deleted and are still available under Administration -> Organization & Planning -> Questions and Answers.
The period-dependent bookings are a chargeable additional module that can be used to control room quotas for hotel bookings. All the necessary information on how to set this up can be found in the Hotel bookings for participants section.
Editing questions and answers can quickly become confusing at this point. This area should only be used for removing and adding links. Content changes should be made either in the offer wizard or in the administration of questions and answers under Administration -> Organization & Planning.