
This alphabetical glossary provides an overview of the most important terms and functions that are frequently used in Converia. The terms cover both technical aspects and specific processes that are relevant to the planning and execution of events.


  • Abstract management: Management of scientific contributions, including submission, peer review process and allocation to sessions.

  • Actionnames: Actionnames are used to identify certain CMS pages so that they can be called up automatically from different places in the system. Each action name can be assigned exactly once per subportal, see Actionnames.

  • API (Application Programming Interface): Programming interface for integrating Converia with other software solutions.

  • Attendee management: Management of attendees, including registration, payment status and e-mail communication.

  • Authentication: The process by which users gain access to the system by entering a user name and password.


  • Backend: The administrative area used by organizers to manage the conference.

  • User rights and roles: Management of access rights for different user groups (e.g. administrators, reviewers, participants).


  • CMS (Content Management System): System for managing and editing the content of the conference website.

  • CSV export/import: Option to export data to a CSV format or import data from a CSV file.


  • Database: Central storage of all conference information such as participant data, abstracts and payment information.


  • Frontend: The user interface that is seen and used by participants and users.

  • Fallback: In Converia, fallback refers to a mechanism that is activated if certain information (input in the backend) is missing and alternative information is output instead to ensure availability and functionality.


  • Hosting: Provision and maintenance of the servers on which the Converia instance runs.


  • Payment processing: Processing of payments via various payment service providers.

  • Program planning: Management and creation of the conference program, including assignment of papers, sessions and rooms.


  • Registration: The process of registering participants for the conference.

  • Responsive design: Adaptability of the front end to different end devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones.

  • Review process: The process of reviewing submitted papers by reviewers.


  • SaaS (Software as a Service): Provision of software via the internet without local installation.

  • SSL encryption: Security protocol for encrypting data transmissions between the server and the user.

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